Crusher from Omega Force Series

Character from Joshua Dazelle Sci Fi series "Omega Force"

Character from Joshua Dazelle Sci Fi series "Omega Force"

He was enormous. He had to be every bit of seven feet tall … massive shoulders…
The heavy musculature writhed and strained under the dark, almost black skin.

He sported a bony crest that started at his brow and ran up the length of his forehead before disappearing into what Jason would have sworn were dreadlocks.

Or he would have if they weren't moving, seemingly of their own accord.

Dalzelle, Joshua. Omega Rising (Omega Force Book 1) (p. 123). Kindle Edition.

The alien had a broad face with a short, lupine muzzle that looked to be full of large, sharp teeth. His intense, yellow eyes stared balefully

Dalzelle, Joshua. Omega Rising (Omega Force Book 1) (p. 123). Kindle Edition.

At nearly seven feet tall, Crusher was heavily muscled and all teeth, claws, and unbridled ferocity. He was Galvetic,

Dalzelle, Joshua. Omega Force: Soldiers of Fortune (OF2) (p. 2). Kindle Edition.

Crusher's "dreadlocks," which were actually sensory organs, were now splayed about his shoulders instead of pulled back neatly.

Dalzelle, Joshua. Omega Force: Soldiers of Fortune (OF2) (p. 81). Kindle Edition.

Crusher in particular kept pulling and adjusting the billowing jacket he wore that was made of some type of shimmering synthetic material, obviously in some state of distress at being forced to wear anything with sleeves.

Dalzelle, Joshua. Omega Force: Soldiers of Fortune (OF2) (pp. 111-112). Kindle Edition.

The energy shields only covered the hard plates of the armor, and weren’t especially powerful, but they did nicely when deflecting energy weapon fire. Crusher wore a similar setup, but only a chest protector; no pauldrons or arm guards. For some reason the enormous alien had a huge aversion to sleeves or gloves.

Dalzelle, Joshua. Omega Force: Soldiers of Fortune (OF2) (p. 122). Kindle Edition.

so Crusher stepped up and slammed his boot against it…

Dalzelle, Joshua. Omega Force: Soldiers of Fortune (OF2) (p. 212). Kindle Edition